::      Детский христианский лагерь      ::      www.our-camp.narod.ru      ::     

10:00 Собрание детей в церкви.
12:00 Прибытие в лагерь.
          Лидеры собирают детей вместе.
          Знакомство детей с комнатами.
          Детям раздают их бейджики.
          Деление детей на отряды.
13:00 Завтрак.
14:00 Купание.
          Игры в отрядах.
18:00 Обед.
          Подготовка к вечернему костру.
          Отряды готовятся представить себя,
          свое название, свою эмблему
          и песню.
21:30 Лагерный костер.
          Знокомство с лагерем (Название лагеря,
          гимн, программа, призы).
          Знакомство с персоналом.
          Представление отрядов.
          Лагерные песни.
          Костер и сонник.
21:50 Время личной гигиены.
22:15 Отбой.
          В комнатах выключить свет и н еразговаривать
22:20 Вечерняя встреча персонала.
          В каждой комнате остается один лидер.
23:00 Отбой для всего лагеря.

     Theme: Повиновение.
     The Play of the Day: День искушений.
06:50 Подъем для лидеров.
07:00 Молитва лидеров.
07:20 Подъем для детей.
07:30 Уборк комнат.
07:50 Осмотр комнат.
08:00 Утренняя программа.
08:30 Завтрак.
09:00 Изучение Библии - притча о Сеятеле.
10:00 Плавание.
13:00 Обед.
13:40 Тихий час.
14:40 Полдник.
14:50 Изучение Библии.
16:00 Сцнка для всех.
18:00 Ужин.
18:30 Уроки Музыки.
19:10 Время Кино.
20:30 Сонник, время личной гигиены.
21:00 Зеркало дня.
          Обсуждение прошедшего дня.
          История Исхода.
          Вечерняя молитва.
22:00 Отбой для детей.
22:10 Выключается свет.
22:30 Обсуждение игры "День искушений".
23:00 ОТбой для лидеров.

     Тема: Ищите прежде царства Божия.
     Игра Дня: Исход.
03:00 "Исход" из лагеря.
          Coming to the place.
          Cooking the bread on the fire.
          Evening Singing.
          Spiritual results of that story.
          Coming back to camp.
04:30 Sleeping.
07:50 Wake up time for leaders.
08:00 Leader prayer time.
08:20 Wake up time for children.
08:30 Cleaning of rooms.
08:50 Room inspection.
09:00 Morning drama.
09:30 Breakfast.
10:00 Bible hour. The proverb about the rich man.
11:00 Swimming.
12:00 Lunch.
13:00 Quiet Hour (leaders rest for 1/2 hour).
14:40 Afternoon snack.
14:50 Bible study.
16:00 Games.
          girls-double ball.
18:00 Dinner.
18:30 Movie-Program of Doll Show.
20:30 Evening snack, personal hygiene time.
21:00 The Mirror of the day.
          Discussion of the day.
          Evening Prayers.
22:00 Lights out-children.
22:10 Leader's meeting (One leader stays in every room with children).
23:00 Lights out-leaders.

     Theme: Forgiveness and Salvation.
06:50 Wake up time for leaders.
07:00 Leader prayer time.
07:20 Wake up time for children.
07:30 Cleaning of rooms.
07:50 Room inspection.
08:00 Morning program.
08:30 Breakfast.
09:00 Bible Study-The proverb about the slave who did not forgive.
10:00 Swimming.
13:00 Lunch.
13:40 Quiet Hour (leaders rest for 1/2 hour).
14:40 Afternoon snack.
14:50 Bible study.
16:00 Games for all campers.
18:00 Dinner.
18:30 Movie and games.
19:30 Camp Fire.
          The crucifixion of sins.
20:30 Evening snack, personal hygiene time.
21:00 The Mirror of the day.
          Discussion of day's activities.
          Evening Prayers.
22:00 Children's bedtime.
22:10 Leader's meeting (One leader stays in every room with children).
23:00 Lights out-leaders.

     The Play of the Day: "The Day of Compliments".
06:50 Wake up time for leaders.
07:00 Leader prayer time.
07:20 Wake up time for children.
07:30 Cleaning of rooms.
07:50 Room inspection.
08:00 Morning drama: The History of the Sickness.
          The rules of the game "The Day of Compliments".
08:30 Breakfast.
09:00 Bible Study.
10:00 Swimming.
13:00 Lunch.
13:40 Quiet Hour (leaders rest for 1/2 hour).
14:40 Afternoon snack.
14:50 Bible study.
16:00 Games for all campers - "Route".
18:00 Dinner.
18:30 Singing.
19:10 Movie "Dinosaur".
20:30 Evening snack, personal hygiene time.
21:00 The Mirror of the day.
          Discussion of day's activities.
          Evening Prayers.
22:00 Children's bedtime.
22:10 Leader's meeting (One leader stays in every room with children).
23:00 Lights out for leaders.

06:50 Wake up time for leaders.
07:00 Leader prayer time.
07:20 Wake up time for children.
07:30 Cleaning of rooms.
07:50 Room inspection.
08:00 Morning drama: "We need to read the Word".
08:30 Breakfast.
09:00 Bible Study - The proverb about trees and fruit.
10:00 Swimming.
13:00 Lunch.
13:40 Quiet Hour (leaders rest for 1/2 hour).
14:40 Afternoon snack.
14:50 Bible study - "Last preparations".
16:40 The Preparations for the Banquet.
          Change clothes.
          Take notebooks for addresses.
17:00 Parade of study groups.
          Presentation of their results.
          Giving of prizes.
          Giving of crowns.
18:10 Banquet.
          Eating sweets.
          Free communication.
18:30 Fire.
          Last words (God lives not just at camp, but after it as well).
          The permitting of tearing and crying.
21:00 The Mirror of the day.
          Discussion of day's activities.
          Evening Prayers.
22:00 Children's bedtime.
22:10 Leader's meeting.
23:00 Lights out for leaders.

07:10 Leaders get up.
07:30 Leader's prayer.
08:00 Wake up time for children.
08:20 Cleaning of rooms, preparing of luggage.
09:00 Breakfast.
09:30 Cleaning up of the camp.
10:00 Leaving the camp.


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